Saturday, September 1, 2018

Unpredictable Outcomes - September Update

Unpredictable Outcomes, October 18th, SAQA OREGON REGIONAL CONFERENCE in Eugene, Oregon. During the afternoon of the conference, you’ll be able to participate in two of three AFTERNOON CONVERSATIONS:

WHAT IS A JAM? DO I WANT TO BE ONE? “JAM?” seems to be a frequent question among SAQA members. The term appears frequently on the web site and in the SAQA Journal but many are not sure what it means. Join the conversation and learn what a Juried Artist Member (JAM) is, how you become one and the benefits enjoyed by its members. 

MENTORSHIP Imagine having a one-to-one conversation each month with an established art quilter……and discussing only your own artwork and journey. This is a SAQA Mentorship!  The Mentorship Program is one of the best values of a SAQA membership and it is FREE! Join the conversation and learn all about how this incredible program can benefit your artistic journey.

After you have spent years honing your skills and working in your studio, now it’s time to get your art into shows!  Is fear of rejection keeping you from entering juried shows? Ask artists who are showing in major shows and every one of them will share tales of rejection. Learning from rejection is how they became successful. This conversation will discuss the ins and outs of entering shows. What shows to enter. What pieces to enter. Getting all the entry details right.  Reading and following a prospectus. Preparing work for shipping. What things can you control and what things do you have to leave to chance? 

Please join the conversation and get started collecting “no's” on your path to “YES -Congratulations!”

Oregon SAQA members Laura Jaszkowski, Judith Quinn Garnet, Sherri Culver and Carolyn Walwyn will be your hosts for these conversations.
 Interested? There’s still time to register for Unpredictable Outcomes at . The conference is open to the public. Invite your friends who are curious about Studio Art Quilt Associates to check out SAQA at this one-day event.  NOTE: To receive the special room rate at the Phoenix Inn, you must make your reservation by Sept. 17th.

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