I am looking forward to joining Sherri Culver as your SAQA co-rep. Many thanks to Marion Shimoda for her tenure as co-rep. We appreciate her many contributions to SAQA Oregon. We have an exciting year ahead: including our state conference and the Pacific Northwest exhibit, Convergence in Cloth: Shifting Tides.
I would like to highlight members who have had their work accepted into exhibits. To accomplish this, I need you to send me a photo of your work and the details. Send to gericon@comcast.net For this issue, I am including work by our local meeting leaders and Sherri.
Local Meetings
Central Oregon SAQA: Thursday 1/18@ 3:00pm at the Stitchin’ Post. Patty Freeman Martin will share her creative story with our group. Patty is a local artist who interprets the symbols of our landscape in pen, ink, and paint. She will share some of her work and a demo of one of her techniques. Kristan Collins colorkcc@icloud.com
Portland Metro Area: Wednesday 1/17@ 10:00am at the Beaverton Community Center. We will be discussing programs for the next year, admiring quilts in show and tell, plus doing an exercise that will be fun and get our creative juices flowing. Suzy Bates suzybates1@yahoo.com
Valley-South: Friday 1/19@ 2:00pm at the Eugene Textile Center. The January 19 meeting features a demonstration of woodcarving by Sheryl LeBlanc. Jana Cunningham, oregoncrone@yahoo. com Lynda Christiansen, ericandlynda2@ comcast.net.
Don't Have Access to a Local Meeting? Sherri and I would like to meet you virtually! Zoom is a video conferencing tool that SAQA uses. It is really fun and easy to use. We want to offer you the opportunity to have a virtual meeting with us. If you are interested in this opportunity, send Sherri and email sherriculverquilts@gmail.com Once we have a group of 2 or 3 or more, we will get a time and instructions to you. Oregon is a big state and we want to be able to connect with all of you.
Special Events
2018 SAQA Conference - TEXtiles! We hope you will join us in San Antonio. For details and registration, click here.
SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, October 18th, 2018! 2018 Oregon Regional Conference: Unpredictable Outcomes. The conference will be held on Thursday, October 18th, 2018, at Lane Community College in Eugene. Contemporary quilter, Pat Pauly, will be the keynote speaker. Pat will also teach a one-day workshop, A Dozen Ways: Designs for Art Quilts, on Friday, October 19th.
Convergence in Cloth: Shifting Tides This special Exhibit will focus on the current state of the Pacific Ocean ecosystem, its marvelous natural diversity, and the human activities that both sustain and threaten oceanic life. Whether one lives on the ocean or in the interior, the Pacific touches many lives and economies. As residents of this greater North Pacific region, artists are encouraged to share personal narratives and statements about what exists, current threats, and needed actions. The exhibit seeks to include a representative range of North Pacific mainland and island habitats and issues. The selected works may focus solely on one area of flora, fauna, geology, oceanography and human activity, or may combine them. Subject matter may be inspired by sources as personal as vacations or fact-based as current scientific research. For Prospectus, click here.
Member Spotlight
Suzy Bates' quilt (above) was in Quilts=Art=Quilts an international juried quilt exhibition at the Schweinfurth Art Center in Auburn, New York.
Sherri Culver has two quilts, including this one of Barbara Walters in the traveling exhibit Herstory, which will be at Road to California, this week.
Kristan Collins has been experimenting with gold leafing on fabric.
Intersections features work by fiber artists and SAQA members Diane English, Janet Hiller, and Mandy Miller. The center is located at 1910 East 15th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97403
Don't forget to send me your photos and information about the exhibit. Please send in a large format so that I can resize them.
Wishing you a creative new year,
Gerrie Congdon
SAQA Oregon Representative
SAQA Oregon Representative
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