Quilt!Knit!Stitch! is coming to Portland Thursday to Saturday, August 14th to 16th, 2014, and SAQA Oregon will be there! Come join us and have fun.
We will have our own booth. This is a great opportunity to introduce SAQA to other Oregon fiber artists at this popular venue, to sign up new members, raise funds by selling SAQA publications, and to make new friends and meet up with old ones. We also plan to have a SAQA Oregon Meet and Greet in the lobby each day - details TBA.
We are looking for volunteers to help us staff the booth between 10 am and 6pm each day from Thursday August 16th through Saturday August 18th; three to four hours of your time is all we need (and that gives you free entry to the show). Just email me: elizabethbamberger@gmail.com, let me know the hours that would work for you, and I'll sign you up.
One more thing: there will be many, many fabulous vendors there, so start your Giving In To Temptation fund right away!
I'll look forward to seeing you there.
Elizabeth Bamberger
Oregon SAQA Co-Rep.
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