Saturday, April 26, 2014

Notes of the Valley-South Meeting

Valley-South meeting April 25th, 2014:  At the Eugene Textile Center
Thanks to Katie Walwyn for the list of who was there (if we missed anyone, please speak up) and to Anne for the notes: here’s the recap of our Valley-South meeting yesterday:
Who was there: Georgia French, Sharon Leahy, Deb Sorem, Diane English, Judith Harrison, Kathy R….(from Salem, a visitor?), Erika Close, Joanna Price, Christine Stanley (visiting), Ginny McVickars, Sheila Steers, Anne Daughtry, Judy Peterson, Daphne John (visiting), Mandy Miller, Sheryl LeBlanc, Lynda Christiansen, Vera Rogers, Naomi Weidner, Katie Walwyn
First, we decided to keep track of who is at our meetings, and from now on we’ll pass a sheet to sign in. How many are we in Valley-South? Probably 30-40 now?
Second, we decided we need nametags --- please bring one next time!
Third, if you aren’t on our FB page yet, and the Oregon SAQA FB page, please join in!
And on to the real agenda:
Quilt County 2015: our intrepid committee will have a written prospectus for us by next month. This gives us over a year to prepare for the exhibit. Volunteers will be asked to sign up for various tasks associated with the exhibit, and there will be a $10 fee to cover miscellaneous costs.
Next month’s meeting will be MAY 23rd, in Philomath. Our business meeting will be at 3pm; our speaker will start at 4pm. We’ll post the address on the FB page; it is already on the Yahoo site, I think. Plan to come to town early for lunch, to see the High Fiber Diet “Simply Red” show at the Guistina Gallery, to visit Karen Miller’s studio (details to be worked out there), to have lunch, to have coffee, maybe to hit the quilt shop…..??? We might be asking for definite signups for this meeting, depending upon capacity of the room. Keep your eyes open for more info on this. Plan to donate $5 as our speaker’s honorarium (and hearing Babette Gruenwald’s talk will be worth it!). Note that it is not the third Friday of the month, but starting in June, we will get back to our “regular” schedule.
In June we’ll meet in Coburg. How about coming early and bringing some handwork or something --- a little play time for socializing, kibitzing?
We talked about bringing an instructor in, doing a dyeing retreat at Vera’s studio, other studio visits, more…..
We talked about the exhibit opportunities that have been on the FB page and other places. Both good venues; go for it!
We discussed having work “ready to hang” before exhibits. Info you need for this is on the main SAQA website.
We discussed returning to our more formal critiques, in addition to our Show & Tell. More about this before our next meeting. There are very helpful guides to critiquing artwork on the main SAQA website and elsewhere on the web. If someone wants to post some of these (Jane Dunnewold’s, Sandra Sider’s to name two of many) on our FB page, that would be great…..
Remember that Hollis Chatelain will be speaking at Columbia Fiberarts Guild in Portland in June; visitors may attend.
Mandy talked about a show by John Westmark she saw in South Carolina recently. (And she will post a link? Or look him up?)
And then we adjourned and enjoyed looking at "MOVING FORWARD: LITTLE GEMS OF QUILTED ART" by the amazing Valley South Art Quilters. Many thanks to Sheryl, Diane and Deb for making this happen for us.

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